Monday 11 November 2013



Sorry again for the long gap. I was frantically packing for university and now that I am all settled again in my new student house in Brighton, I will recount the last part of my trip in Kenya.

Thinking of Nairobi right now just makes me want to go back there. Being back into uni routine is definitely giving me the summer blues.

Nairobi was the last stop in our trip and we were there for a total of 10 days (sounds a long time but went very quickly). We were staying with family throughout our time here and it was really nice to get an experience outside a hotel or touristy residence. We all really got a feel for the way of life there compared to Britain. Of course staying with family meant we were treated like royals!  We had such amazing food and were informed of all local tips and knowledge (even though we already had a fair bit from my parents Kenya experience).

Nairobi consisted of many different activities and trips. There were all of the standard things which we did for fun like go karting, going to the cinema to watch Chennai Express (Bollywood film), bowling and eating LOTS of frozen yoghurt,

Apart from missing the family and the weather in Nairobi, the one thing I am missing for sure is Planet Yogurt. Now if you know me, then you know I am not a dairy fan. I will go nowhere near milk, cream and yoghurt, simply because I hate the taste. However after all the recommendations from people about this Kenyan franchise of Planet Yogurt, I took the plunge... and what do you know..I absolutely LOVED it!

(inserting ultra yummy photo here, that is making me crave it)

I loved it so much that I had it 4 times in total. I used to always go for vanilla, pistachio, chocolate, tiramisu and coconut. It was luscious. My aim is to find an equivalent one here, so if you have any suggestions then please comment below. I have heard that some over here are a lot more yoghurty tasting which is not what I want.

Okay, so lets now get off this topic of frozen yoghurt and move on. A highlight of my time in Nairobi was visiting the elephant orphanage. Every Saturday morning, people could go for a talk about all of the elephants and where they have been rescued from and why. They were so adorable! I just wanted to take one home with me haha. It is such a lovely idea and educates everyone about how poaching is still continuing. Many of these elephants were there because their parents were victims of the poaching trade and it was so sad to hear.

 Above photo: The youngest elephant there (3 months)

In my last two posts about Kenya, culture has been a major aspect which I have highlighted. The beauty of travelling is seeing all of the new cultures you come across and how this represents new places. When you are on holiday, one thing I assume you all want to do for your return, is to try and capture a bit of that cultural memory and bring it back with you. What better way to do this than souvenirs. Of course as a shopaholic, the Masai Market was top of my list!

We went twice and each time came back with bags filled of glorious treats. The jewellery was so lovely and colourful as well as the gorgeous bags and purses. I picked up on many new accessories, with one of my favourites being an orange clutch bag. I am a lover of wearing a plain colour and then sparking it up with either statement jewellery but now I can spark it up with a statement bag! Unfortunately I cannot upload a photo of it currently, but as soon as I can, I will be featuring it in a post.

The rest of our trip consisted of visiting a lot of family. There were a few days however where it was a bit grey and rainy so we utilised these for watching films and playing games which was really fun and a lovely way to spend time with our family.

On our last weekend however we decided to go for a change of scene and spent a night at Lake Naivasha which was around an hour and a half's drive away from Nairobi. Lake Naivasha was so beautiful and the banda's which we were staying in were located at such a lovely spot with the most amazing view.

In the evening we all sat together around a camp fire. We talked and played games and it was really cosy and nice. It is shocking to say that it was my first proper experience of camping and that is not something to be proud of at the age of 20. None the less it was great and so pretty. A nice get away from the hustle and bustle of Nairobi.

It was also a great time to relax and kick back with a book!

Just like Mombasa and the Masai Mara, time went very quickly. Before we knew it, the suitcases were starting to be packed. The next stop was.... London. Back home for us, but it was a good amount of time to have spent away. Although I was going to miss it a lot, I was looking forward to going home and catching up with family and friends. I was also pleased to find that there was not a big difference in weather from Nairobi and for once we actually landed back in London to the gorgeous sunshine and a very pleasant temperature.

It is with great sadness that a month or so after we returned back home, there was an attack in the Westgate mall which we visited four times in our trip. Luckily all of our family were not involved, however for the many that were not so lucky, you are in my thoughts. It is such an awful thing to have happened and really does hit home, especially after knowing you have been there and that you have many relatives out there.
